My Journey!

During the pandemic, I rediscovered my love for art, a passion that's been with me since I was a kid, watching my older brothers create amazing drawings and paintings. I never thought I had their knack for art, but a high school art class lit a spark in me. I found myself lost for hours in my artwork, finding a kind of peace in it that was really special.

I ended up going into architecture and became an architect, but when 2020 hit with all its challenges, I found myself drawn back to art. It was like art was this key that helped me unlock a part of myself I’d forgotten, and it's been amazing for my mental health.

These past four years, I've been focusing on celebrating black women in my art. My Nigerian roots inspire me, and I try to weave in the stories and experiences of black women from all walks of life. My art is all about showing their strength, beauty, and resilience. As a black woman myself, it feels incredible to bring these images to life.

I hope that as you look through my art, you'll find something that really resonates with you, maybe even something perfect to gift.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for all the encouragement and support!


“Through my art, I discover and embrace myself, finding inner peace and love. Each character I portray reflects a part of who I am, creating a therapeutic path to self-expression and self-awareness”